In 2014, the library initiated a project to bring Little Free Libraries to Highland County.
The number of book deposit locations that the library was able to support had dwindled due to the closures, or changes in ownership, of local stores that had hosted them. The idea of the Little Free Library is to bring a book, take a book. We approached the Ruritan Clubs in the county because they each covered a desired geographic quadrant of the county. We knew the clubs to be community-minded and hoped they would be willing to participate. The deal was that if the club would build the Little Free Library to their own specifications and tastes, the library would stock them and refresh the stock on a monthly or every-other-month basis. We were thrilled that each club took up the task. This included the Bolar Ruritans, Mill Gap Ruritans, the Stonewall Ruritans, and the Blue Grass Ruritans. Additionally, the Lions Club provided one on the elementary school grounds and The Highland Center added one on their property as well. By the end of 2015, all the Little Free Libraries were in place and serving citizens with a book selection closer to home.