In the April 29, 1982, edition of The Recorder it was announced that a library building fund had been established by the Mountain View Extension Homemakers Club. They wanted to start a fund for a permanent home for the library. The idea came from the Special Projects Committee to put $500 in an escrow account to start the building fund. They met with the library association board to discuss how to stimulate more contributions from the community. They envisioned a “building encompassing more than the library itself.
The facility could include space for meeting rooms, a visitor’s center, offices for the county’s historical society and chamber of commerce.” Mountain View EH Club members Alice Stephey and Virginia Beverage presented the check to library trustee Shirley Eagle.
County Extension agent Ardis Stephenson was also present. The library association board asked Mountain View EH Club member, Angela Crigler, to be the treasurer for the building fund. The library association board also began their search for suitable property to build a library.
The gift from the Mountain View EH Club did kick off other fundraising initiatives around the county. In June 1982, the Highland EH Club threw a 50s and 60s dance to raise funds. The Stonewall Women’s Club held a bake sale. In October, the Mountain View EH Club held a bazaar. The Maple Valley EH Club held a Sweetheart’s Dance in February of 1983.
A year and a half after the escrow fund had been established, they had raised $3,000. The various Extension Homemakers Clubs continued to support the library building fund with bake sales, direct donations, a spaghetti supper, and a quilt raffle.